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Older Posts
Why I WON”T Take the VAXXX
Why I am Vegetarian
What is the MATRIX, really?
What IS America?
A List of Stuff and People I've Learned About and From, Up to Now.
Empty Nest Syndrome & Yoga Application to It
Patanjali's Tough Love
Somehow, Swarupe!
Encounter with Lord Shiva
Every Man IS An Island
A Paradox within a Paradox: Diversity in Oneness & Oneness in Diversity
Karma Yoga - It's NOT Selfless Service
Childhood Kundalini Rises
How Kundalini Saved Me - and Showed Me How
6 Ways I Ended My Pattern of Bad Relationships
Why Christianity Should Abandon Judaism - and Stand On It's OWN.
I’m Like a Swimming Pool
My Past Life as Ida Craddock: The Importance of Dreams and the Undivided Continuum
The Important Distinction between Narcissism and Self Love/Vanity
The Indian Family Next Door
Is Mask Wearing Anti-Yoga?
Watching the Breath: Detrimental to Meditation Advancement?
My Adoption Story - How I Met My Birth Families
Why I Am a Truther: The Joy of Truth in My Life
I'm Looking Up.....Literlly
Yoga is NOT for Everyone
Are You Your Own Twin?
Is It All About Your VIBRATION?
Kemetic Yoga? Is It For Real?
Psychedelic Yoga: Face to Face with Kundalini (No Drugs Necessary)
Spiritual Liberation = Kundalini Annihilation
What's In a Kundalini Rise? Are They All Created Equal?
The Question of Raising Kundalini
If You’re Not Raising Kundalini Causing Transcendental Events, Are You Really Practicing Yoga?
All Hatha Yoga IS Kundalini Yoga
The Exploitation of Yoga Asana
Is it a Stretch Class? Or is it Yoga? How to Tell the Difference
The Buying and Selling of Yoga 3 Different Groups of Yoga Users & a Question for Each
Will Yoga Teachers Ever Actually Teach Yoga?
I Am a Yoga Teacher, Not a Fitness Instructor
Mahabharata: The Magic Mushroom of Yoga
Bhagavad Gita Explained by Michael Beloved: An Academic Review
The Yoga Way
Yoga Means Control
The Yoga Sutras: My Commentary on the Profound Value of Part 2 of Michael Beloved’s translation.
Yogic Non-Reactivity: Can You Do It?
Separation Yoga
Pratyahara: Sensual Energy Retraction - The Leg Up of Yoga?
Be Anal About Your Meditation, Not Your Mat!
What is Dharma?
Meditation is Like First Dates?
mindFULLness or mindLESSness?
The Separateness of Silence and Sound
Seeing Beyond the Vedas: Are Yoga and Advaita Vedanta the Same?
Bound by Two Bodies: Thoughts on Physical Existence
Queen Victoria: A Unique Study of Kundalini Shakti
Helen Keller & Yogic Meditation: Intelligence in the Hands
Freudian Psychology & Subtle Body Anatomy
Why Being an Adoptee Helped Me Undertand Yoga Psychology
Why Yoga is My Religion....Yes, I said Religion
Why Yoga Does Not Really Mean Union
Living in the Sea of Gunas - w/ Guided Meditation