As a young child I would occasionally
have a kundalini rise that caused me

to pass out.
You know how when you were little you would fall down or something and it would hurt and you would cry?
Remember crying to the point of finding yourself with mouth open in suspended animation, big tears brimming, breath nowhere to be found, until finally, the big cry came out?
I didn’t always make it to the crying part.
Something happened and my awareness was forced out of my body into another mental state and my physical body would pass out first. Often when this happened I would be holding onto my mother and as I lost consciousness with my body, I would slither down her leg into a heap.
But the experience of it for me was not one of passing out, but of a strange and pleasurable entrance into another realm of consciousness all together.
I lost touch that I was someone crying - and found myself with no sense of the physical body but with some partial sense of the subtle body – which felt less like a body and more like an environment that felt very unusual, magnetically charged, wiggly, shifty and to a slightly uncomfortable extent, out of my control.
This passing out business naturally worried my mother and she took me to the pediatrician who told her I would likely grow out of it. (Little did he know...)
Today as a grown woman, when I cause kundalini to rise on purpose during breath infusion and application of yogic locks I find myself in that same strange place, but now with developed control and insight and the option to take it further.
Where is that place?
It’s out of body and like a tiny near death experience one can have over and over, safely and while still fully alive.
It’s a transcendental, non-imaginary environment one’s consciousness may shift into if one can harness (yoke/yoga) the creative energies of the complex subtle form and apply the yogic locks in order to control this force of creation that exists as our minds and bodies.
Kundalini rises are natural but the quality and control are different from person to person. A rise can feel bad or good depending on the quality of your subtle energies which depends entirely on your pranayama practice, or breath infusion.
A kundalini rise with bunky, toxic, contaminated bodily energies will feel like a bulldozer crashing through your head.
But a rise within a person who has properly cleaned up the diet, cleaned up the socialization, and cleaned the CO2 from their system will celebrate the highest function of the human psyche.
Kundalini rises in yoga are not sudden realizations about things or learning something new that makes us feel great. Too many times I read about so called kundalini rises that are nothing of the sort. It's important we keep these things categorized so we know what's from what.
A kundalini rise is a very real bio-electrical function that in yoga we value and utilize because it is our way to make spiritual advancement and to guarantee ourselves eligibility into higher dimensions.
If you want to ascend to a higher dimension in your next life than your own personal dimensional energies need to match that higher place so that upon leaving your body physically you will have already properly prepared your vibe for relocation.
Pranayama during the asana while fully engaged in pratyahara is the yogic way. This leads to application of samyam.
So what happens when a small child raises kundalini repeatedly, naturally and seemingly without provocation?
I became aware that there was a self within the body who had done this before.
Kundalini rises in children so young indicate that they left their previous body having performed the same or similar disciplines.
Aside from the beginnings of past life realizations, I started seeing auras, viewing my third eye, hearing naad and thinking mystically.
During the childhood kundalini experiences I was not an age or a name. Not a little girl or an old one.
The subtle body simply became a psychic/electric chamber I was suddenly aware of being inside of - however the chamber was far larger and more electrical than the physical body I had just been so aware of moments before.
This experience is so valuable as it has given me the chance to understand the sacredness of duality. How precious the acceptance that we can all exist and that we have the power to sort ourselves out of the seemingly oneness soup that is material creation.
As we harness the great mystic material power of this creation, Kundalini, we are able to use it, manipulate it and influence it for our own greater spiritual good.
I am me, the body is the body, the energy is the energy and it's becoming easier on the daily to sort things out.
We don’t have to be mysteries to ourselves.
The answers, strange as they are, are within us.
The more we practice in one life, the further our practice can be taken in the next. Each life builds on the one before.
(Originally Published 6-26-18)
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