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First of all, I’m an ethical vegetarian and it would be absolutely hypocritical for me personally to accept this vaccine or any vaccine into my body.  All vaccines are based on the use of cells from aborted fetuses, that’s an historical fact. Not only that but there are animal ingredient in vaccines like monkey brain cells and cow cells. Lots of spooky things when you start looking into it instead of just accepting the party line.

The second reason is that I have done alot of work on my health for a long time and pharmeceuticals were one of the things that I had to weed out of my life for the sake of my health, I never responded to any of the well, so why would i now go running toward some vaccine that I know will not agree with my body and could potentially harm irreparably or kill my body. 

I will not jeopardize all the work I have done for my body and it’s health during the course of my lifetime, most especially during the last 25 years of my adulthood. During these last two decades I have taken my health firmly and I mean firmly into my own hands. I don’t get pap smears, mammograms, or check ups from any medical doctor. When I go into atrial fibrillation I convert it myself as I have talked about in other videos. It goes without saying that pharmeceutical companies are not trustworthy. I don't get doctors check ups. 

So it sort of goes without saying that my third reason is that my check up is my intuition, my ability to listen and pay attention to sublties. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us in obvious and subtle ways. I check up on my body by listening to it and giving it what it needs and when it needs something special it is my responsibility to figure out what that is.

There is so much work that has already been done in the field of natural healthcare, we have such an easy job of things now. I also practice some very serious natural health care practices and techniqes, some things that might really surprise you, things I may talk about in future videos.

I am not about to jeopardize the temple I have built. Nature gave me this body and it is MY responsibility to take care of it.  To learn about it and to learn what medicines nature has provided for us.  Had nature not provided the things we need to survive, there would be no human race.  After all these millennia, we are still here, this delicacy of nature, this useless, destructive pinnicle, the human being, of nature’s creative process, and we are here because nature has provided us with all that we need.

We survived without pharmaceuticals are we know them today, these destructive, corporate, killer drugs for all of time. And now here we are, we live in a word where now we are under the domain of the medical industrial complex and the walls are closing in with this new illness and it’s conveniently corresponding vaccine.

No thanks.  Big pharma has done nothing but make me sick in the past with the abusive use of antibiotics. Taking away the power of the woman, the herb and medicinal plant collector and treatment procurer. Now big pharma expects to be our mother. But what a toxic, deranged mother she turned out to be.

I chose to turn, always, toward my real mother, the owner of my body and to whom I am accountable to for the use of this body named Erinn Earth.

I won’t take this Vax because it has nothing to do with me and my health care.

I manage my healthcare, not big pharma and not the government and most certainly not the two of them combined! Which is what we are looking at right now.

I won’t take this vaxx because I believe it is dangerous and has nothing to do with anything they say it has to do with.  It is meant to control you. I feel sorry for anyone who has any faith in it.

I also must say too that as a yogini, I am not prone to being so dangerously attached to my body that I will make crazy decisions about putting my health into the hands of satanic, freemasonic pharmeceutical organizations or any government. 

I'd rather say goodbye in my own way to Ms. Erinn Earth and move to the next stage of my existence, than to contaminate my subtle body, the body I have to transmigrate through creation in, with some frankenstein geonocide conncotion put in my body.  It's not just your physical body it will effect, it is your astral body too.  Don't forget that.