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shivaonblack2 2014 01 24 19 59 07 UTC
Recently, I entered meditation praying to Lord Shiva.
Requesting, as I have in the past, for his attention somehow. I asked him to give me some inkling that he was aware of me and that my yoga practice was registered by someone in the higher ups.

In the past, the times I’ve become indirectly aware of Lord Shiva’s influence was during postural adjustments. Upon praying to him for help, occasionally, his energy would enter the asana/kriya and adjust it perfectly from within me. I also had a nonphysical/abstract vision of him during sun gazing which I illustrated and included on the back of my Sun Gazing book.

But in this meditation there was a deeper need in my reaching toward the higher beings and their energies that Patanjali instructs us to focus on.

Here's what happened:

I became aware of Lord Shiva, enourmous, seated in sukasana (easy pose), his body gigantic, his hair long and brown. He was barely clothed, and not in tiger skins, but burgundy cloths. 

The atmosphere was darkish but clear. 

Sitting in front of Lord Shiva was my teacher, Michael, who was in the body of a young boy in miniaturized form. 

My teacher next to Lord Shiva was about the size of a child next to the Abraham Lincoln monument. 

I was not the size of a child, but the size of a bug. 

So it was the three of us in a row, biggest to smallest. 

A person associated with Michael was also seated next to him, but I was aware that this person was transparent and invisible to Shiva. Shiva seemed unaware of this person’s presence, but made it clear to me psychically that he was very aware of my teacher and that he had significance to him.

Lord Shiva gave me a hint that he was aware of me, that I wasn’t invisible, but that I had much work to continue doing before I could grow in size to be of significance. 
He said, "Keep going and you will grow and you will get the attention you seem to want. Right now, you are too little for me to bother with much. Look at your teacher, look at all he’s done. He is here with us like this.”
So back I go, a little bug, into my corner of existence, for more practice. I strive for divine association and refuse to pretend it into being. 

What else is there to do while we make a living and feed ourselves in this petri dish called Earth?