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sun meditation

Even beyond yoga meaning restraint it actually means control.
When you’ve accomplished yoga you’ve accomplished control of your own personal energies.
You’ve accomplished a control of each of the 3 parts of the self:
· Physical Part
· Mental/Emotional Part
· Spiritual Part
Whether it’s just in your daily activities or in a monumental kundalini rise or a silent meditation - yoga is control.
Restraint = Control
Remind yourself to tell them! Who? As the conscious atma, you must tell the body and mind to be on your side. To work together for the good of the atma.
To be on board!
To yoke, control, restrain together the three parts.
Even if the yoking is a working together, a collaboration, it still starts with restraint.
The yoke still results in the restraint of all three parts.
Yuj = Yoga = Yoke = Restraint = Collaboration of the Three Parts = Control……. = Samadhi.